services: Corporate identity, branding and culture change - a dynamic approach
corporate culture and corporate brand need to be in synch ...
The relationship between an organisation's culture and its 'corporate brand' can be the subject of much analysis and debate.
What is certain however is that both corporate culture and brand need to be in synch for sustained, long-term succss: no matter how strong its brand is in marketing terms.
an organisation's actual performance and behaviour ...
and people's experience of the organisation, its products and services
are what count most in the long run.

corporate culture, branding and identity are a mix of:
values and aspirations
plus performance and behaviour
plus reputation & how you are perceived
- all of which must be right for the marketplace & today's expectations
and be consistent with business strategy and objectives



guiding principles

"our way of doing things"



relationships/ partnerships


HR/people policies

organisation/ management processes



experience of dealing with the company



business strategy and objectives

Our core skills of strategic communications, issues management and corporate branding can be supplemented through Prosequence to include marketing, CRM, human resources, IT, information systems and other disciplines that may be needed to help clients make culture change happen. We help clients to measure, benchmark, plan and implement culture change.

We can add value to branding agencies' work - and help clients select the most appropriate agencies, if required - by helping clients to embed winning brand values into all they do and to get values, performance and reputation in synch.

We can also help clients to take an integrated, strategic approach to communications to ensure that all business relationships - internal, business partners, customers and other stakeholders - contribute to a winning corporate culture - and gain competitive advantage

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